Academic Teaching and Biblical Studies: The #SBLAAR14 Syllabus


There are a lot of great teaching and pedagogy sessions happening at #SBLAAR14. As you build your schedule, make sure you check out what’s happening with the SBL Academic Teaching and Biblical Studies program unit. Yours truly is moderating a pretty awesome panel on Teaching the Bible Visually or Geographically. We have papers on everything from using It’s a Wonderful Life to teach the Gospel of Mark, to upgrading your teaching with the latest educational apps, to using digital mapscapes to explore the biblical world.

The session goes down on Sunday from 4-6:30 at the Hilton Bayfront- 300 (A Level 3 (Aqua)). 

You can get access to the SBL 2014 ATBS Syllabus right here.

For those playing in our studio audience or from home, handouts for the session include:

William Campbell’s “Mark and The Movies

Christopher M. Jones’s “How to Create Integrated Presentations in Google Earth.”

Charlie Trimm’s “War and Peace in Canaan” Map (also included below)

Map from Charlie Trimm's War and Peace in Canaan Classroom Game
Map from Charlie Trimm’s War and Peace in Canaan Classroom Game

And as you know, you can always catch me @seedpods.

Richard-Newton Picture

Richard Newton, PhD is curator of Sowing the Seed and Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at  Elizabethtown College. His scholarship focuses on the anthropology of scriptures.

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